Expansion to
Attractive regionThe exponential growth in popularity of online shopping among young Italians in a population of 60 million offers unlimited potential.
Rapidly growing e-commerceItaly is expected to become one of the largest e-commerce markets in Europe in a short time thanks to the rapid build-up of digital infrastructure in the country.
Few quality home online shopsDomestic online shops are unable to meet the rapidly growing demand, which opens up many opportunities for foreign online shops.

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Interesting facts about the Italian e-commerce market
Italy is one of the fastest growing markets in Europe. The digitalization of the country is associated with the popularity of online shopping, especially among the younger generation, who spend more than 6 hours a day online. Few domestic online shops and the demand for goods presents great potential for application.
Italians are an indecisive people, they visit an online shop on average 5 times before buying. Therefore, it is recommended that the online shop has a function to save and remind favorite items. This fact should also be used when planning marketing activities.
A peculiarity is that even the elderly are open to online shopping, but often their purchases end up being made due to unclear logistics processes or distrust in carriers. So it is necessary to take care of a sophisticated delivery system, also returns and the selection of established carriers. The majority of residents require the ability to collect goods at the collection point. Delivering to the less accessible south of the country is also a challenge. For up to 63% of shoppers, free shipping is critical to completing an order.
The key to success is also the friendliness to local customs and an online shop that is fully localized, including a home phone number with a +39 area code and a bank account. Italians also demand a high level of service at every stage of the purchase.
50 millionActive internet users
€45 billion Total annual spending on online purchases
71%Population living in cities
2000 €Average annual online expenditure per capita
90%Population using digital payments
33%Level of e-commerce growth

Italian market
We are preparing a practical overview of the Italian market. Once it has been published, we will send the e-book directly to you by e-mail for free.
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