The most popular price comparator in Poland
Web address: http://ceneo.pl/
Number of e-shops working with the portal: more than 17,000
Number of products presented: 1.2 mil.
Number of offers compared: 3.5 million
The mobile version is available at http://m.ceneo.pl
Price comparator prepared via the portal pl
Web address: http://radar.pl/
Number of eshops: 4244
Radar presents over 7,000,000 offers
The mobile version is available at: http://m.radar.pl
Web address: http://www.nokaut.pl/
The portal serves over 2100 e-shops
The number of products compared is 3 769 228
The mobile version is available at: http://m.nokaut.pl
Web address: http://skapiec.pl/
Extensive options for specifying search parameters
It has a large database of products
Number of e-shops working from the portal: about 1500
Number of bids compared: 3 million
Number of goods compared: about 900 thousand
The mobile version is available at: http://m.skapiec.pl/
Web address: http://cokupic.pl/
The owner of Cokupić.pl is QXL Poland sp. from o.o., Groupa Allegro, a well-known player on the Polish e-commerce market
Through collaboration with the Grupy Allegro portal, Poles can conveniently and quickly compare product prices on Ceneo, possibly verify on Allegro, whether there are auctions for their selected products
Web address: http://kupujemy.pl/
Launched at the end of 2003
It offers about 1900 e-shops
Web address: http://www.twenga.pl/
A less favorite comparator in Poland, although it owns the largest database
It is possible to view e-shop offers from other countries
The database includes 71,775 e-shops
Number of offers: 162 686 420
Web address: http://www.okazje.info.pl/
A favorite comparator with a relatively large database
Number of eshops: 1690
Number of offers: 5 180 000
Web address: http://tanio.pl/
The latest comparator on the market prepared via Wirtualna Polska
The database includes 1200 e-shops
Number of offers: almost 3 mil.
The mobile version is available at http://m.tanio.pl
Web address: http://www.torturacen.pl/
Products: 2 178 510 products
Number of eshops: 844
View of Expandeco
Polish ecommerce moves up really quickly. More and more popular places for online buyers in Poland are the price comparators in, so if you plan to expand to this market, comparators are an ideal way to boost your sales and brand awareness.