Expandeco oslavuje 10 rokov na trhu akvizíciou spoločnosti Pošta bez hranic 👉   Budujeme európsku ecommerce platformu na expanziu

Budujeme európsku ecommerce platformu na expanziu

Collection point worker in Zagreb (4hours per day)

Miesto Zagreb (Chorvátsko)
Termínby agreement
Úväzokjob contract/self employment ( part time)
Plat500€ - 600€

Are you interested in logistics, do you like learning new things and do you live in Zagreb? If you are also interested in ecommerce, then welcome to the journey to new experiences as a collection point worker at Expandeco!

Why Expandeco?

We help e-shops with their expansion and localization to foreign e-commerce markets. We are among the e-commerce leaders in the Central and Eastern European region, as evidenced by our third award in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe category and the trust of almost 200 clients, including successful companies such as Dedoles, Notino, Eyerim, Novesta and many others.

Currently, Expandeco consists of almost 90 experienced specialists and we are growing thanks to the unique combination of our e-commerce solutions, with which we contribute to the long-term building of e-shops' credibility and with the effective optimization of their costs in foreign markets. Our comprehensive e-commerce services include, above all, a reliable solution for returns, complete business localization, and professional customer support, thanks to which every e-shop feels like home everywhere.

What do we expect?

  • a motivated and responsible colleague who is comfortable working independently, but also in a team,
    computer skills,
  • a person who can deal with any problem.

We do not require it, but your advantage will be:

  • knowledge of the English language at level B1, so that you can communicate with foreign colleagues.

What will you work on?

  • work with packages - every day you will process incoming packages (unpack, repack and register in the system) from international e-shops,
  • you will be in regular contact with the headquarters, which is located in Slovakia,
  • you will work with internal systems and Microsoft Office

What we offer

  • opportunity to learn new things
  • great team and company culture, based on trust - we work in an informal environment, where we address each other by first name,
  • stable job (Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 16:00).


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O nás
S ecommerce špecialistami z Expandeco miznú hranice. Úspešný príbeh expanzie začína výberom vhodného trhu a pokračuje budovaním stabilného miesta v atraktívnom regióne strednej a východnej Európy. Expandeco prináša majiteľom e-shopov dlhodobo efektívnu optimalizáciu ich nákladov spojených s reverznou logistikou, komplexné riešenie lokalizácie online podnikania, či profesionálnu a spoľahlivú zákaznícku podporu. Expandujte a lokalizujte vaše podnikanie bez hraníc.
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